How to Add New Resources

Create New Resource Item

The form to create new Resource items contains the following fields:

Resource Title

this will be the title under which the item will be listed - keep it short but meaningful.

Resource Type

required - provides an option for users to quickly search for specific types of resources, such as lecture slides, assignments, quizzes, tools, etc.

Topic Areas

select all that apply, but at least one - provides an option for users to restrict a search by topic area(s)


A resource may consist of different sources of information - you can use any of the following fields to upload/link sources of information:

  • Resource File: use this field to upload any files you may want to share. This can be any common file type. For non-listed file types, please compress these into zip-files and upload as such. Please avoid restrain from merging several files into single zip files unless they build a unity. Please take the time to upload files as individual resources for better search results.
  • Resource URL: if you resource is a link to another website, or tool for download at a different URL you can use the URL field for providing this link while still describing and sharing how you use this resource as an instructor.

For better visibility in search results please consider to upload at least one image. This can be screenshot of slide or document, or any other image that related to the content. To learn more about different options about image uploads please visit Uploading Images

Background Information

Please provide any instructions and explanations on how you utilize the provided resource.
For further information on how to use the text editor of this field please visit Working with the Editor

Tags (Keywords)

Provide at least three keyword that related to your resource. Start by typing a keyword and you will see a drop-down list of already available keywords used before - please use existing keywords where applicable to prevent duplication of similar keywords.

Course Level

Select the (intended) level for teaching, leave blank for any level - this helps other users to guage content regarding applicability for their respective courses.

Access Restrictions

This allows you to restrict access to either

  • SBSE members only,
  • validated educators only (default),
  • any registered user (basic authenticated users, but non-educators such as students or industry people),
  • or make it publicly available (accessible without login).

NOTE: All users of this portal are individually approved and verified by administrators and site moderators before being granted any access to the site. 

Hit SAVE when you are done - if you want to CANCEL any changes, just go back in your browser or to any other page without hitting save.
No changes are saved to the database before you hit "SAVE".

To learn more about managing content please visit Editing Content