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Register for an account

To access any other content than publicly available resources, you must register for an account.

We provide different levels of access depending on account status determined from each user's background.
All account requests require approval and the applicable account type will be determined individually upon review of each requests.
The following access levels are currently implemented:

  • Public Access: Any site visitor can access these resources (no registration necessary).

  • Basic User: Any registered user, independent of approved account type, can access resources that require only simple registration.

  • Educator: These user roles can access all above items, plus resources restricted for approved educators only (e.g. quiz questions, assignments and solutions, etc.)

  • SBSE Member: Current SBSE members can get access to selected resources that require an active SBSE membership.

NOTE: If you want to be granted "Educator" access rights you MUST register with your institutional e-mail address, and this e-mail address must be publicly verifiable, e.g. in a directory listing by your institution.