Environmental Studies Program
University of Oregon
Eugene ORĀ 97403
e-mail: arempel@uoregon.edu
University of Arizona;
Sustainable Built Environments, Architecture, & Marketing;
1040 N. Olive Road;
Tucson, AZ 85719;
e-mail: j.bean@arizona.edu
Wentworth Institute of Technology
College of Architecture, Design & Construction Management
130 Annex North
Boston, MA 2016
Email: peterst2@wit.edu
Phone: (617) 989-4465
Northeastern University
College of Arts, Media and Design
102 Ryder Hall
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
e-mail: d.fannon@northeastern.edu
New York Institute of Technology
Education Hall
Northern Blvd.
Old Westbury, NY 11568
email: fsnell@nyit.edu
website: clarkesnell.com
University of Idaho
Architecture and Interior Design
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2451
Moscow, ID 83844-2451
e-mail: bhaglund@uidaho.edu
website: https://www.uidaho.edu/caa/programs/architecture/ourpeople/bruce-haglund
Salas O'Brien
2707 Pegram Ave,
Austin, TX 78757
e-mail: keith.simon@salasobrien.com
web site: https://soa.utexas.edu/faculty/keith-simon
Carpenter Hall, Room 118
Pullman, Washington, 99164-2220
phone 509-335-7315
e-mail omar.al-hassawi@wsu.edu
Virginia Tech;
Myers-Lawson School of Construction
430 Bishop-Favrao Hall
1345 Perry St
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Email: reichard@vt.edu
Phone: (540) 818-4603